Helpful Definitions

What does propitiation mean? A helpful illustration

In a sermon titled "Justification", Colin S. Smith shared the following helpful illustration on the meaning of propitiation from Romans…

4 years ago

Life-Changing Sentences: D.A. Carson on Genuine Worship

John Piper has famously and repeatedly said, “Books don’t change people, paragraphs do — sometimes sentences.” This new blog series…

7 years ago

What is Systematic Theology? A Definition from Dr. Wayne Grudem

Dr. Wayne Grudem, theologian and author of the landmark volume Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine answers the question, "What is…

10 years ago

Tim Challies’ Definition of Christian Discernment

In Tim Challies' book The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, he offers a long and a short definition of Christian discernment:…

10 years ago

Tim Keller’s Definition of Idolatry from Counterfeit Gods

"What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination…

11 years ago