
45 John Calvin Quotes on Prayer from the Institutes

John Calvin (1509–1564) was not only a theologian par excellence and Reformer of the church, he was a pastor that…

5 years ago

5 Onramps to Joyful Prayer

If you had to describe your prayer life in one word, what would you choose? Fulfilling? Effective? Joyful? Watch a…

6 years ago

Spurgeon’s 15 Tips for Deep and Effective Prayer Life

Spurgeon knew the power of prayer and his need for prayer. When asked the secret of his influential preaching ministry,…

6 years ago

How George Mueller Fought Distraction in Prayer

Editor's Note: I wrote a book to help believers overcome obstacles in prayer! One entire chapter is dedicated to growing…

7 years ago

Spiritual Warfare Prayer: A Prayer to Put on the Full Armor of God

The following prayer is pieced together from the concluding chapter in the book Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical and Balanced Perspective…

10 years ago